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July 14, 2023

The Power of Music: A Conversation with South African-born, Australian-bred Artist, Don Calya

The Power of Music: A Conversation with South African-born, Australian-bred Artist, Don Calya

Don Calya: A South African-Australian Fusion

Don Calya is a South African-born, Australian-bred artist that has been making waves in the South African music industry. On this podcast episode, Don talks about her unique name, her family, and her journey to becoming an artist. She also offers advice to aspiring musicians who are looking to make it in the music industry. She delves into the importance of contractual knowledge, doing your research, taking risks, and believing in yourself.

Doing Your Research As An Artist

Don emphasizes the importance of doing your research when it comes to the music industry. She advises artists to look up contracts online, ask questions, and read up on stories of other artists who have gone through similar experiences. Don also suggests looking into smaller labels that can help you get started, as well as looking into underground networks online.

"Do your research, guys. This is a career, it's a business. You wouldn't sign an employment contract without reading it. Read it and be like, that's what they say about sick leave? Okay. So take it as that because at the end of the day you're a brand, you're a product. If you had to sell a phone, how would you go about setting it up, selling it, putting it all together, having people on your team to come on board, what is your message? So I say take the time to do your research."

Take Risks and Believe in Yourself

Don also encourages aspiring musicians to take risks and believe in themselves. She emphasizes that failure is part of growth and success, and that it is important to learn from your mistakes. Don also advises artists to look out for themselves and to be aware of the contracts they are signing.

"Take that step, learn, fall, but come back from it knowing that failing does not mean you're a failure. It's actually a step towards growth and success. You need to fail to learn. Don't be shy to ask around, even with me, I always tell people to ask me, I'm like an open book."


Don Calya is an inspiring artist who has a lot of wisdom to share with aspiring musicians. She encourages artists to do their research, take risks, and believe in themselves. She also emphasizes the importance of looking out for yourself and being aware of the contracts you are signing. If you are an aspiring musician, be sure to check out Don Calya's podcast episode for more advice and tips!