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Nov. 16, 2023

Lefokolodi: The Name, The Sound, And The Origin Story

Lefokolodi: The Name, The Sound, And The Origin Story

In the vibrant South African realm of alternative music, Lefokolodi emerges as a force to be reckoned with, priding itself on making rebellious, passionate, and nonsensical music. Our recent interview with this four-piece band from the south of Johannesburg unveiled a tale as wild as their music.

The Origin Story

Every band's genesis is a unique narrative, and Lefokolodi's origin tale falls firmly into the realm of the unconventional.

Shinesh, the guitarist of the band, shares, ‘I stalked one music store, not music stores. I went to Marshall Music because I knew a guy that worked there, and I waited there for three hours for someone to just pop up, and eventually I met a guy who knew Yakean, and he was like, you should talk to Yakean. Yakean was really weird about it too; he invited me to his house the same day I DM’d him on Instagram, so he was super open with strangers back then.’

The Name

A band's name is often shrouded in mystery, but with a name like Lefokolodi, curiosity is piqued.

Lerato, the vocalist of the band, reveals, ‘Lefokolodi is a millipede in Sotho. I just wrote it in a book, brought it to the guys, and they just found the name attractive.’

The Sound

In a musical landscape where genres often intertwine, Lefokolodi refuses to be confined.

Shinesh expresses, ‘People class us as punk, which I guess is kind of like an umbrella term, which I don’t really like because when you say punk, I think about Sex Pistols, Ramones, and Black Flag. I have nothing but respect for those bands, but if you truly look at the whole spectrum of the songs we write, we’re more similar to System Of A Down than we are to Black Flag. We’re not really genre-specific; we just make music, and we don’t really give a shit about labels.’

Collabs And Future Shows

Diving into the band's trajectory, we uncovered their memorable collaborations and future plans.

Lerato confidently states, ‘If you want to see Lefokolodi or hear us, right now it’s at shows and we won’t disappoint, we give a 100.’

Shinesh adds, ‘We have been playing with metal bands. We played with Boargasm, which was sick; they were probably the best band I think we’ve ever played with, and Desert Mother as well. We’ve played with Boargasm and Human Nebula; we’ve spoken about doing things with Middle Grounds; and we might even do something with Peasant from Cape Town next year. So, as we say, we’re not genre-specific; we’ll play with metal bands.’

The Conclusion

In closing, Lefokolodi emerges as one of the most easy-going and lovable bands in the scene. Beyond their music, there's a warmth that makes you feel like you've known them forever. As a delightful bonus, they've announced an upcoming tour in Cape Town this December, promising an unforgettable experience. Don't miss the chance to catch them live and stay tuned for more announcements from these musical mavericks. Dive into our full audio interview here, and keep pace with the boys and their adventures here. The madness of Lefokolodi awaits – embrace it.

Main Image by Fullspectrum Media